The Smiths

The Smiths

Monday, August 31, 2009


Well. Though I was doing well (I had four days under my belt). I made a decision last night. I chose to not do an hour. I did about ten minutes, apologized to the Lord, and fell asleep hard. Yesterday was moving day, and though I'd anticipated moving day being relatively hassle free (being that I was only moving down the sidewalk), it was not. It was a pain. It was also sort of irritating. The very thing that had made it seem so simple ended up making me angry. The fact that I was going to all this trouble of packing things only to move them thirty feet and unpack them again seemed like an exercise in being dumb. The good news is that I am all moved in to the apartment I am going to share with my husband. :) Hehehe. Yay. The bad news is that at 11:05 I decided to start over today. I tried, I really did. But I knew I was just going to fall asleep mid devotional anyway and so I figured I'd have to start over today regardless. But still. I went to bed feeling like a failure.

In other news I'm speaking in frontline on Wednesday and I made my very first power point! Yay! I wish there was a way to post it on here, but oh well. I am speaking on having world awareness, and, just as importantly, community awareness. On the importance of following God's command that we take care of the poor, the needy, and the sick, both here in our own country, and also acorss seas. My power point is a little different than a lot of presentations that get shown for this type of message. I've always had a problem with the guilt tactic used to get people to act on this Biblical command. So although yes, I do have a few of the 'starving African children' pictures, I also have pictures of God's incredible creation, to illustrate what an awesome and powerful God He truly is. And how, in that infinate wisdom, He actually HAS provided for the peoples of the world. Us. We just need to follow through on it. And then I also have a lot of pictures of organizations like World Vision, YWAM, Samaritan's Purse, Feed My Starving Children, and Mission Possible and lots of church missions trips pictures to show that the church HAS heard that command and is being obedient. I hate walking away from these sorts of messages feeling like the church is failing. The truth is there are by no means ENOUGH people out there as missionaries or relief support, but at the same time, the universal CHURCH is working to save the lost and feed the poor. I don't want to guilt my kids into feeling like they're part of a failure. I want to inspire them to find any one of the hundreds of Christian organizations already out there making a difference, and help. I want them to walk away with the understanding that it doesn't take a life long committment, a million dollars, or a trip across sea's to help the needy. All it requires is obedience and a willingness to serve in any way you can, and there are more ways to serve where you're at than you know! Heck, even just doing a monthly food drive or volunteering at a soup kitchen or the food pantry! Any service is still service.

Anyway. That's what I'm going to talk about.

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