The Smiths

The Smiths

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I Forget About This

When i started this blog it was for a different purpose than any other online journal thing I had going. I was going to blog all the time about spiritual truths and things the Lord was doing in my heart, woohoo!! But of course life gets in the way. And though the Lord really has been doing things in my heart, He has also changed my life quite a bit. The biggest change being that I'm about 17 weeks pregnant with Baby Smith. Which I think changes the nature of this blog again, because although I still want it to be an update on all of the spiritual things, it will also serve as a way to update my far reaching family on baby stuff. I know that facebook is sort of for that purpose, but the truth is that I don't want to share every detail of every story and every picture on facebook. Too broad. This is something a small selection of people look at and so I can be more honest, more candid, and because of the format I can also be more longwinded. Which I tend to be anyway. I still will be writing about stuff going on in my heart and spiritual truths and everything of that nature because you really can't separate the two, your life and your spiritual life. It's all entertwined (or it should be).

For today we'll stick with an update:

Baby Stuff: As of our last appointment baby and me are healthy and doing good. Wilbur (as he or she has been dubbed by fam) has a wicked fast heartbeat but apparently that's totally normal. He also likes to wiggle around. A lot. It mostly just feels like going over speed bumps, but Aaron swears he felt the baby move. The only downer at this point is the blood thinner meds, and really the only reason it's a downer is cause of the brusing on my tummy from the injections. For those unaware I tested positive for Factor V Lieden which is, briefly, a blood clotting disorder. My blood likes to be clumpy. During pregnancy you're at a higher than normal risk for blood clots and so to have an additional increase in that risk pushes me into the coveted "high risk pregnancy" category. For full facts and figures google it. The blood thinners I'm on take away almost all the risks, which is really good. And, thank the Lord, we have excellent insurance that pays for the meds in a way that I was not prepared for (seriously, even the pharmicist commented on how awesome it was that I was paying so low a copay for these meds). Otherwise everything is good. Some later date I will devote an entire blog to the sheer and utter panic I feel at the prospect of being a parent, but for the most part, it's all good.

Baby's First Pictures:

Other than baby news there is a lot of other stuff going on. The update ends without details because thanks to facebook the entire world knows my and my family's every last detail so there really isn't a need for me to recap. It all just makes me incredibly sad slash irritated slash completely panic stricken. Interpret that to each situation as you will.

As things get more interesting with the Baby there will be more posts, plus I will just be trying to post more in general since I've sucked at it recently.

Happy Thanksgiving. Be grateful. It's in the Bible.

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