The Smiths

The Smiths

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Oh my gosh. I'm pretty sure you can reach a point where laying in bed STOPS being restful and starts stressing you out!!

Last Tuesday I had a doctors appointment that I just knew, like felt it deep in my heart, was going to end with me at home in bed. My blood pressures had been pretty high and I was super swollen (a plus 3 for those of you who know what that means), AND when I stepped on the scale (eegads) I had gained 11 pounds in one week. Not okay, even if it was only water weight. Basically what all those things meant was that I was retaining water like a mad woman which combined with the high BP's and climbing protein count meant my doc officially put her foot down and put me on bed rest. I left the office, headed to my job to clean out my desk (I won't be going back once the baby comes), fill people in on the situation, give a quick run down of my responsibilities to the poor person left picking up the slack till they hired someone, and say my goodbyes.

Today, a little more than a week later, I had another doctors appointment. It's quite difficult to believe it's only been a week, I feel like I have been in bed FOR MONTHS. People have a lot of different takes on bed rest. They tell you to enjoy it. The problem is that you can only rest for so long before your body says "Oookay! We're done resting now! We have all the energy we need to! Let's go out and use that energy and do something!!!!" But I can't. I have to stay and rest some more. I appreciate those people who say I should be thankful for this time of rest (and I am) but it's not as easy as laying back and letting the rest wash over you. Then there are people who are like "Take this time to get things you've always wanted to get done done!!!" And as awesome as that sounds, the things I want to get done are get ready for the baby things, things that would require me not being in bed, which is totally not allowed. The other things I could do, like write thank you notes, update my itunes, stuff like that, it's actually kind of hard to get the motivation to do. Being in bed as much as I am can actually be draining. Haha. I know that contradicts what I just said, but it's the weird and ironic truth. Resting this much requires a lot of energy!! Someone I really have appreciated who's been through this twice told me that you just end up sleeping a lot and she's right. Resting this much requires a lot of energy and it's hard to do anything at all, and when you do feel rested you are too amped up and restless to get any of the bed rest activities done! Such a conundrum. Haha.

BUT after all that being said, after all my some what noncompliant behavior, I have great news. The bed rest is working. When I went to the doctor today all the water retention signs were gone. Of the 8lbs I'd packed on due to the water issues I have lost 6 and I had zero swelling and all Gabriel's measurements and scans and reads and such were just beautiful. The doc was actually pretty cute. She was so excited and sounded so amazed that my swelling had gone down so much and that the water weight had gone away. It was very nice to have some good news and have the doctor be so happy about the good news. Hah. My blood pressures are still high and my protein count is still rising (it went from 193 to about 250 - a normal protein count is below 100) but right now both things are still considered stable, meaning they aren't by any means good things, but it's not to a point where anything needs to be done immediately. The doctors are going to continue to keep a careful eye on me, and we're still scheduled to be induced early at 37 weeks, but still, things are good. A successful doctors appointment to me is any appointment that doesn't end with me being admitted to the hospital and having to give birth THAT SECOND (don't laugh, I've been warned it may come to that).

On top of all that doctors news goodness, a wonderful woman from my church put together a meal schedule for Aaron and I, different people from church and our home group cooking us dinner and bringing it over. It's so awesome and such a blessing, I've felt like such a crummy wife for not being able to cook or clean for Aaron and this is for sure such a huge thing that makes me feel loved and taken care of by my church. Our first meal came today in fact! From someone I know to be a pretty fantastic cook so I'm quite excited!!

Thanks for all the prayers and support. I genuinely believe that a big part of why today's doctor appointment went so well was because of how many people I have keeping me and Aaron and Gabe in their prayers. So thanks!

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