Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Baby, Baby, Baby, Oooooh

Hi-de-ho Ranger Joe. I don't remember where that's from but it's from something.

Brief two part update:

#1. Had a doctors appointment today that was full of good news. I am doing so well that the doctor pushed back the induction! Instead of being induced at week 37, my doctor is scheduling the induction for week 39! Which is good. As much time as Gabriel has to grow is good. A lot happens in the last few weeks so for him to get an extra two weeks is def a good thing! So for those keeping score that means instead of being induced somewhere between April 11th and April 15th, I will be induced somewhere between April 25th and April 29th. My doctor is scheduling and will let me know the exact date later this week. The reason they are moving back the induction is that I am doing really well. My blood pressure has been steady, in fact, with the occasional exception, it stays within a range considered normal for a pregnant woman (a pregnant woman's blood pressure is a little higher than normal). My protein levels have dropped for real (the read had been in the 290s and is now in the 220s). I have zero swelling and no water retention. The baby is doing great, I don't remember how long he is but he's just at 6lbs (hopefully he doesn't gain too much more before birth...) and is super healthy and crazy active. No really, I'm starting to get worried. He's going to be difficult to keep up with. So these are all great things that led to the decision by the doc. This means that if I do go to AC I will not be toting a baby around, I will just be incredibly, ridiculously pregnant. Hah. And it means that I'm not going to be able to see Mark Batterson speak which is just so sad. I will literally be having a baby while he is here so, next time I guess. So those of you making travel arrangements adjust your plan accordingly. And please clear your plan with me.

Speaking of plans for visitors, lets move on to part #2. Which is just a few helpful hints for family members (or anyone really) planning to visit us in the hospital. First, please call or text Aaron to let us know when you're hoping to stop by. Just for the convenience of everyone. We would love visitors and can't wait for all our friends and families to meet our son, but it will be the first few days of parenthood and we would hate to have someone pop up unexpectedly as I'm breaking down into tears because I can't feed the baby the right way. Official visiting hours are between 10am and 8pm. And then once you're all set for when you wanna come here's how to find us:

Alexian Brothers Medical Center
800 Biesterfield Rd.
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

Alexian Brothers has a LOT of entrances. Your best bet is to come in the entrance smack in the middle of the structure. The entrance is marked "West Tower", and is between the Brock Building and the Wimmer Building. This entrance is right on Biesterfield road so you'll be able to see it from the road along with plenty of parking. There is an info desk right when you walk in and you can let the woman know you're there to see someone in Maternity an Labor ward and she'll direct you to gold elevators that will take you up to the correct floor and just follow the signs for where to go. Here's the tricky part. The door to the ward is locked (for infant security, no baby snatchin' happening here) so you have to buzz just like at an apartment building. You'll tell them who you are and who you're there to visit and then when they let you in they will have you put on a visitor pass so that you are identified. Then you come see us!! You'll also have to asked to be buzzed out when you leave, so just keep that in mind.

Alright, I think that's the end of the update. I'm glad I have a few extra weeks to prepare and that the baby has a few extra weeks to grow and develop and all that good stuff. I will go on the record as saying that if for any reason my blood pressure spikes or my proteins go back up or anything starts to look not great they will move the induction back up, but hopefully that won't happen. I genuinely in my heart of hearts believe that the baby and I are doing so well because of all the prayerful support we're getting from everywhere. So thank you for that. Aaron and I are continuing to be blessed by our church family in so, so many ways, but that's another post for another time.

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