Friday, December 3, 2010

Boy Oh Boy, It's A Boy!!

Baby Smith officially has a name...well...he or she always had a name, but now we know which name to call baby by! Introducing Gabriel Soren Smith. :) He is currently 9 ounces and an unknown length. But he’s a wiggler. And he was extremely proud of his man parts during the ultrasound, even the tech commented on how, uhm, showy he was being. Up until a certain point, and then he decided he was done and turned over on his side and was giving us a butt shot. The doctor kept wiggling the ultrasound thing a ma bob in an attempt to jostle the baby back to the front but Gabe was done and refused to cooperate. Hm. Fidgety and stubborn. Clearly he is his fathers child.

I’m not going to lie, I’m pretty excited about a boy. I wanted the baby to be a boy. I’m only a little sad since you tend to be able to dress girls cutesy longer than boys, but that’s the only thing. For the rest of it, I’d rather have a boy. We can play in the mud and build forts and climb trees...all of which I probably would have done with a girl too, but still. I’m glad he’s a Gabe. There are a lot of reasons not the least of which is that girls are way more dramatic and way more expensive. Plus I get to, at least for a little while, be surrounded by handsome men, because if this baby is anything like his daddy, he’s gonna be VERY handsome. :)

As much as the whole “baby has a penis” thing was good news, the doctor had some even better news. This wasn’t my usual doctor. This was a specialist OB doc who basically was making sure that everything was developing normally and that we were both healthy and doing well. This doctor talked to me and Aaron a lot about the Factor V thing and the risks it could bring and why it’s treated the way it is. He ended his little lecture slash interview with the announcement that he feels my treatment for Factor V is unnecessary. For those keeping score, this means that I can maybe stop giving myself a shot in the stomach every day. Can I just tell you how awesome that would be?!!! The doc said that since I have no immediate family history of blood clots and since both myself and the person I inherited the gene mutation from only tested positive for one problem gene there’s really no indication that blood thinners are necessary. He actually seemed really surprised that my doctor had put me on them at all. He kept saying “The consensus is that it’s really not indicated in patients with only one mutated gene.” So. He’s sending that note along in the file to my doc who will hopefully sign off on it, AND I WILL BE FREE OF THE DAILY SHOT!!! I know that there are people in this world suffering a lot worse stuff that this, but to me this is a small answer to prayer. The shots are painful and leave me looking like a bruised melon and it’s really hard for me to do them, something about stabbing myself with a needle just doesn’t seem natural. :)

So I’m a happy girl with a happy boy wiggling away in my guts, and a happy husband who already bought an ADORABLE outfit for our son. :)

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