Sunday, February 7, 2010

Oi Vey

Alright, well, I'm not going to lie. Primarily I've been doing my blogging at work. Which is now strictly forbidden. Well. It was strictly forbidden before. Just now I actually have to abide by it. I plan to get a library card today so I will still be blogging, most likely with about the same average frequency.

As a teaser I am still in Hebrews and loving it. I'm stuck on chapter 5 where the author says to his audience that he'd like to explain something to them, but he can't since they've made themselves dull and they wouldn't get it now anyway. This is the part in Hebrews where it talks about milk or solid food and being able to mature. I am also sticking the first verse of chapter six on there because it says to leave behind the basics of the teaching of Christ and strive for perfection. It's an interesting concept. This idea that these people were so stuck at the beginning that they were still infants in the Lord instead of diving in....okay well I don't have my notes here with me to do this right this second, but suffice it to say it has made me very aware of where I am and what I am capable of ingesting as far as spiritual content goes.

I will also explain my super duper awesomeness cool job situation and how it's killing me.

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