Friday, August 21, 2009

Epic Fail

I am failing in my attempted 40-day commitment. I feel pretty trashy about it. I am very busy and it irritates me that I am letting that get in the way since that's exactly why I decided to make this commitment, because I was letting myself "be too busy" to spend time with the Lord. I figured if I made this sort of commitment for 40 days it would at least form the daily habit of being with the Lord instead of my current when I can habit. I don't want to fit God in, I want Him to be the priority.

I also recently made the official call to stay living in the apartment complex I currently inhabit. My fiance and I decided we would just move into a bigger place within that complex (a loft to be exact). So, seeing as I will be there for at least another year, I caved and bought the key fob that lets me into the clubhouse anytime I want. Basically this means I have access to the gym now whenever I'd like. I've had the key for several days and have yet to use it early in the morning as I'd intended. Rats. I'm failing on all counts.

Not to mention a biological failure that I am pretty irritated about. Shortcomings annoy me.

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