Thursday, April 9, 2009

run forest, run

at the mall last night with ashley, i watched while two guido looking assholes literally followed a young handicapped guy around to taunt him. both his legs were in braces so he walked with a slight outkick. he was also wearing a plaid shirt and a cowboy hat. he looked comical and he was retarded. i get it. but they were following him around with the sole intent of being assholes. cruelty for cruelty's sake. their friends watched and laughed from one of the higher level walkways. random strangers watched and laughed.

i watched it happen and they walked out of my line of sight and i worked hard to suppress my urge to be the solution through violence. they swung back around and followed him through another a wing of the mall and i lost my cool a little. i ran down some stairs and ended up face to face with these two kids who couldn't have been older than 17 or 18. i told them to leave him alone and stop following him around. they swore at me and told me to "go home" (wtf?) and continued to walk past me. i stood still for several seconds.

genuinely, in my heart, all i wanted to do was walk up behind these two morons and smack their heads together. then when they turn around angry i would have punched just one of them in the junk as hard as i could. that would have probably shocked the other one enough for me to tell them both that i could honestly care less if i got arrested for beating the shit out of their underage asses, but that if they didn't leave that guy alone, so help me god, i would be sure to break one of each of their legs in enough of a way that they would forever walk with a limp and receive the exact same ridicule they were currently dishing out. (note: i dont think i am actually capable of this and even if i was i wouldn't actually do it, but in my head the threat alone would be enough for them to consider me absolutely crazy and walk away and leave this poor dude alone which was really all i was after anyway)

i didn't move for several seconds because if i had i would have done these things, or gotten in serious trouble trying. i also had a pretty intense internal struggle going on because clearly this is not the godly way to handle the situation. an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind and i'm not the one supposed to be exacting justice. but man did i want to. i have never had such a strong desire to hit someone in my entire life.

ive gone over this scenario and over it several times since last night, trying to find a peacable way to get these two dudes off this guys back, while still conveying to them in some way that they are douchetools and should maybe not be.

i told ashley on the way home that if i could have any super power at all, ever, it would be the ability to make people see clearly, to make people just friggin understand.

i have been out of high school for too long, i think. id forgotten that there were people like that in the world. i really, genuinely had.

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