On Saturday I spent the day taking pictures of, cleaning, and finding a place for all the baby stuff we've been given (or bought). It was nice to be able to see how generous people have been and to kind of take stock of what we've got down, but it also did something I wasn't expecting. It got me all twitterpated and excited about the baby! I know, I know. I'm 20 weeks, and you're thinking "You weren't excited yet?!?!!" Well, no! This was a surprise and an adjustment. I was still in adjusting mode. But Saturday I just got all teee heee hee and realized I am excited. I can't wait to meet Gabe. He's for sure going to be suuuuuper handsome. So here is some of the stuff we've got. :)
[you can click on the pictures to see them bigger]
Aaron bought the baby this little outfit (that says "future rebel) and cute giraffe. We didn't know the baby's gender when he bought the giraffe but decided it was gender neutral.
This super cute towel is from his wonderful cousin Paulet. This too is gender neutral, but I like it better for a boy. :)
These clothes and the ones to follow are all from Ryan and Elizabeth McBride. We really appreciated they're generosity! They have three boys so they had lots of great stuff for us, some that hadn't even been used ever! How awesome is that!
I mean. Bears. What can you do? It's new and it was a gift....I'm gonna save if for days when he's especially poopy. :)
The onesie on the left says "prince charming" with a frog and the one on the right with the blue pants says "i love mommy"
This is my fave outfit they gave us. I think it's soooo cute!
Onto the toys and equipment. The rest of this stuff is from Christian Life Church's giveaway, Jodi let me sneak through the stuff and check it out. I Got a lot of great stuff (like that baby bath thing!) and I REALLY love Jodie for it.
I had a pretty intense DR appointment today. I'm fine and the baby is fine, but there are some risks that I had not been anticipating. And I don't get to come off the blood thinners which is pretty much a serious sad day. When I have more time I'll post the details.
Thanks to everyone who has been giving us this awesome swag! We really appreciate it (and so does Gaber)!!!
Stay warm!!
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