It is hysterical to me that almost as many people have congratulated me on getting an iPhone when I had a baby. I definitely get why people love them, I was up until almost 2am playing with it. And coolness of coolness last night at Bible study I didn't have my Bible and so I literally downloaded a Bible app in the time it took to open the meeting. Which, let's be serious, I'd awesome. AND not gonna lie, I'm totally blogging on my phone. Haha.
It was hard for me to make this switch, I'm a by of a technophobe. Plus the guy selling it to me def made me feel like I was joining a cult. He kept saying "I'm so happy for you!" I liked my phone, my simple, easy use phone that was literally JUST a phone. I told Aaron on the car ride home that this might be too much car for me. But the truth is that this is more than a phone. This phone is actually a symbol of something much bigger. Both my and and Aaron's phones were literally dying DEAD gone. And through some generosity and some extremely awesome circumstances we were both able to replace our phones with quality phones for nothing. This phone is a reminder o something we all forget: God provides. Even when it's something as simple as a phone.