It's been a long time since I popped up here. I don't know if it matters or not, if anyone reads here or not. BUT, it's a place that I can be a little more indepth regarding whats going on in my and Aaron's lives. Which brings me to Friend, Nebraska. Recently Aaron and I went to Friend Nebraska to talk to a pastor in the town who was looking for a youth pastor. We had a great weekend and really like the church and town, and I really liked the kids, but in the end we just didn't feel the Lord pulling us there. In fact I think Aaron actively felt the Lord saying no (which he was quite dissapointed over because he really wanted to go). It was hard because I have a lot of roots there and I feel like there were a lot of people who wanted us to say yes, but I'm glad we didn't. It's not the kind of move you can make without knowing that the Lord is putting it on your heart. It was a great little place though. My grandparents first met each other at this red slide:

And this is the world's smallest police station:

Aaron recently played in a big mud volleyball tournetment. Normally he and the same group of people play in a mud volleyball tournoment every year, and have won it the last 7 years in a row! This year though, the tourney they play in was cancelled and so we traveled to Rochelle, IL to play in a MUCH bigger one (300 teams!!!). Sadly they didn't make it to the playoffs, but to be fair, the two games they lost, they lost to the top two teams from last year! They played great though!! And it was suuuuper fun to watch! JUST watch!!! One of their femail players almost didn't make it in time and they have to have two girls on the court to be able to play SO I ALMOST HAD TO STEP IN!!! EEsh!

Aaron is all about mud and all about volleyball, so honestly it's a good sport for him. :)

My cricket friend who chilled with me:

On Thursday we leave for New York for four days to see Aaron's family, including his brother who I haven't ever met and who Aaron hasn't seen in almost 10 years!! It's pretty exciting!!
I am going to post what I spoke on at Frontline this past week before we go. Pray that we have a safe trip and that it's joyful and full of laughter and love!